Register Now for free Cyber Security training and Certification targeting over 40,000 Nigerian Youths. 1st Prize - N1Million 2nd Prize - N650,000 3rd Prize - N350,000
The Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development (FMYSD) in collaboration with Halogen Group has launched a free Cyber Security training and Certification targeting over 40,000 Nigerian Youths.
According to the Ministry through its official Website https://youthandsports.ng on Wednesday, the training is aimed at engaging the youths on Cyber Security capabilities to enable mitigate risks of Cyber-attacks, alongside a range of certification programmes in Cyber Security that may offer job placements both locally and internationally for participants.
The ministry noted that the FMYSD/HG Cyper Security Training Programme, in addition to issuance of Certificates upon completion, also involves competition where winners are to go home with cash prizes.
The Prizes are as follows:
1st Prize - N1Million
2nd Prize - N650,000
3rd Prize - N350,000
"The programme of the Ministry in collaboration with Halogen Group which has carefully been developed to benefit as many young persons as possible", FMYSD added.
Every Nigerian youth is encouraged to train and take part using the link https://halogen-group.com/cyber-security-training.
FMYSD/HG Cyper Security Training Programme is a 3 Day online Training and Certification which is estimated to last cumulatively for 15hours.
The FMYSD/HG Cyper Security Training Programme begins with Registration on the portal https://halogen-group.com/cyber-security-training which has begun and will end on 12 August, 2022.
Describing the Programme, the Halogen Group stated that the FMYSD/HG Cyper Security Training Programme will ensure competency on Basic understanding of Cyber Security, Types and forms of Cyber attacks (E.g Malwares, Trojans, Social engineering attacks, Phishing links etc), Vulnerability controls, Cyber Security tools and lots more, to the participants.
The Halogen Group reiterated that asides gaining access to cyber security certifications, the participants would also benefit through the Internship opportunities and Job opportunities (local and international), offered by the FMYSD/HG Cyper Security Training Programme.
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