AFJP Farmers Fertilizer Grant according to Farm Size - why a Farmer gets N3,000
Thousands of Farmers enumerated under the FMARDPace AFJP Project who are eligible for the Federal Government Fertilizer Subsidy Grant have wondered why a farmer would get only N3,0000 or N5,000 as Fertilizer grant while only few would recieve little above N10,000 in the AFJP Fertiliser Subsidy grant.
A misconception which has been orderly quelled is that Farmers under the FMARDpace AFJP Fertiliser Subsidy grant would recieve N250,000 to N500,000 in the scheme.
Only Enumerators who are paid N500 per each successfully enumerated Farmer receive remuneration of such magnitude Why?
Because an Enumerator who enumerated N1,000 farmers will be paid N500 times 1,000 which is N500,000. This is based on contractual Agreement with the Agricultural Ministry.
In fact, according to the data from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, no farmer is entitled up to N50,000 with the current distribution.
However, some few Farmers may recieve relatively high amount up to N20,000 which is overtly and measurably dependent on Farm Size of each farmer.
Farmer with a farm size of about 0.39ha and below is entitled to 1 bag of NPK Fertlizer value at N3,000 while a Farmer with about 0.40 - 0.70ha would recieve 2 bags of Fertilizer at N6,000. Also, a Farmer with 0.71ha but less than 1ha is accorded 3-4 bags valued at N9,000 to N12,000 while a Farmer with 1ha would recieve 5 bags of Fertilizer valued at N3,000 each bag times 5 (N15,000). The larger the size, the bigger the Fertilzer Subsidy Grant.
Enumerated Farmers on the category of Animal Production are however granted below N6,000 according to the data from the Ministry.
This data may vary according to States depending on number of Enumerated Farmers, Agricultural Viability and other criteria used by FMARD in the AFJP PACE Project Fertlizer Subsidy Grant disbursement.
The disbursement of the Fertilzer Subsidy Grant has not commenced due to an order from FMARD that all enumerated Farmers must link their BVN with their Bank Accounts to ensure seamless disbursement of the grant to the AFJP enumerated Farmers.
The Enumerators have continued to work in the FMARD order to ensure that all the Farmers are fully banked before the commencement of the disbursement of the N6,154,802,000 Federal Government Fertlilizer Subsidy Grant to about 1,209,143 Farmers enumerated under the FMARD/PACE AFJP Project.
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