Kamfanin Sadarwa na Mtn Sun bude Shafin bayar da Rance na Kayan Aiki ga 'Yan kasuwa wanda suka Kirashi da (100 Entrepreneurs MTN Y’ellopreneur Loan ) Cikaken Bayani da yadda zaku cike Rancen Yana cikin Adreshin Nan
Apply 2022 MTN Y’ellopreneur For Famale Entrepreneur To Receiver Eqauipment Loan
MTN foundation invite all entrepreneurs famale to apply for 4 weeks MTN Y’ellopreneur virtual training programme.
To help them expand and sustain their businesses, the training participants who meet the requirements for selection of the top 100 entrepreneurs will be given equipment loans of up to N2 million. Grants would be given to those who meet the expectations of the credit terms after the equipment loan has been fully repaid.
What is MTN Y’ellopreneur
MTN Y’ellopreneur is a program of the MTN Foundation created in partnership with the Bank of Industry to offer qualified Nigerian female entrepreneurs opportunities for funding and capacity Entrepreneurs
MTN Y’ellopreneur Summary
Y’ellopreneur Benefits: 100 top entrepreneurs will access to 200 million equipment loan
Application Deadline: July 8, 2022
MTN Y’ellopreneur Application Method
All interesting applicants for MTN Y’ellopreneur training programmes should click link below
Apply MTN 2022 Y’ellopreneur For Famale Entrepreneur To Receiver Equipment Loan Of 200 Million To Top 100 Entrepreneurs
MTN Y’ellopreneur Loan Application Guidelines
For all applicants that reach the application requirements for MTN Y’ellopreneur should click link below to start the loan application and follow the loan guidelines
Enter First Name, Surname, Other Name, select your gender, date of birth, your age range, marital status enter your email, your phone number and alternative phone number then click yellow button Next,
More Personal Details: Select your state of origin, Local Government of Origin, select your Residence State, Residence LGA, residents Address and select your education Qualifications then click yellow button Next
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