Good News: To All C2 Graduate Beneficiaries -Npower Officials
The National Social Investment Management System (NASIMS) has announced the official commencement of the Batch C2 Npower Programme.
The Npower Management through its verified Npower Facebook handle, on Monday, announced the commencement of the Batch C2 Npower Programme, noting that the Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries are to resume work on 4th October, 2022.
Read Also: Npower Batch C1 Extension News: Npower Batch C1 done and dusted, ministry states
According to the Npower management, "Congratulations! to all Batch C stream II Graduate Beneficiaries, the wait is finally over as you have been successfully deployed into your various graduate programs."
The Management advised the Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries to follow the guidelines stated below to download their Deployment Letters and resume work immediately.
1. Visit your self-service portal and click on the
deployment tab.
2. Download your Deployment Letters
3. Take your deployment letter to your PPA for
acceptance or rejection.
4. If accepted, locate your State Focal Person for Stamp approval
5. Upload your stamped acceptance letter on your dashboard
6. Resume your PPA on the 4th of October 2022.
NASIMS has earlier announced that the Deployment Letter would be fully available for Download on Tuesday 4th of October, 2022.
By this announcement, it is assured that the Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries will recieve their October Stipend before 1st week of November, 2022.
Hukumar Kula da Zuba Jari ta Kasa (NASIMS) ta sanar da fara shirin Batch C2 Npower a hukumance.
Hukumar Npower ta hanyar tabbatar da asusunta na Npower Facebook, a ranar Litinin, ta sanar da fara shirin Batch C2 Npower Programme, lura da cewa masu cin gajiyar Batch C2 Npower za su dawo bakin aiki a ranar 4 ga Oktoba, 2022.
A cewar hukumar ta Npower, " taya murna ga daukacin daliban da suka ci gajiyar karatun digiri na Batch C stream II, a karshe jira ya kare yayin da aka yi nasarar tura ku cikin shirye-shiryenku na digiri daban-daban."
Hukumar ta shawarci masu cin gajiyar Batch C2 Npower da su bi ka’idojin da aka bayyana a kasa don zazzage wasikun su na turawa su ci gaba da aiki nan take.
1. Ziyarci portal ɗin sabis ɗin ku kuma danna kan aiki tab.
2. Zazzage Wasiƙun Ayyuka
3. Ɗauki wasiƙar tura ku zuwa PPA don
yarda ko kin amincewa.
4. Idan an karɓa, nemo mutumin da yake mai da hankali kan Jiha don amincewar Tambari
5. Loda wasiƙar karɓa mai hatimi akan dashboard ɗinku
6. Ci gaba da PPA ɗin ku a ranar 4 ga Oktoba 2022.
A baya NASIMS ta sanar da cewa wasikar turawa zata kasance cikakke don saukewa a ranar Talata 4 ga Oktoba, 2022.
Ta wannan sanarwar, an ba da tabbacin cewa masu cin gajiyar Batch C2 Npower za su sami tallafin su na Oktoba kafin sati 1 na Nuwamba, 2022.
©️Ahmed El-rufai Idris
Kaduna State Coordinator Zumunta Youth Awarenesses Forum 🤝
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