National Directorate of Employment (NDE) sun sake buɗe shafin bayarda tallafi ga ƙananan ƴan kasuwa da masu ƙananun ƙarfi.
National Directorate of Employment (NDE) sun sake buɗe shafin bayarda tallafi ga ƙananan ƴan kasuwa da masu ƙananun ƙarfi.
Zaku iya cikewa cikin sauƙi kuma kyauta.
Abun da suke buƙata (requirements for application) 👇
1- Applicants must be Nigerian by Birth
2- There is no age limit, from 15years to 45 and above can apply
3- No school level is required; Graduates and Non Graduates can apply
4- Educational qualifications not required, open for Nigerians graduates and non graduates across 36 States including Abuja
5- You must provide a means of identification, NIN or any other id
You must participate in Training organized by NDE in your selected state.
Dama 4 ne, zaku iya cike ko wanne, akwai:
1-Vocational Skills Development (VSD)
2-Small Scale Enterprise (SSE)
3-Rural Employment Promotion (REP)
4-Special Public Works (SPW)
Ga portal na cikawa kai tsaye.
Pls kuyi share zuwa ga wasu.
Note: portal ɗin ba kowanne lokaci yake aiki ba, wani lokacin yana tafiya wani lokaci kuma baya tafiya daidai. suna nuna is under maintenance, ma'ana suna aiki akai. Zai fi kyau ka goda shi cikin dare.
Allah yasa mudace.
Manu Abba Gana Gumsa
Member a zumunta youths awareness forum.
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